Towards sustainable bioproduction systems: harnessing organic nitrogen for plant growth (2009–2011)

Global concern exists over the inefficient use of man-made nitrogen fertilisers by crops which results in losses of 50-70% of applied fertiliser in most cropping systems. The unused nitrogen pollutes natural ecosystems and contributes as nitrous oxide 10% to global warming. Nitrogen drives crop productivity and adequate supply is a prerequisite for food and biofuel production. Alternatives to man-made fertilisers are crop residues and other organic compounds. How organic compounds can supply nitrogen to plants is largely unknown. We recently identified two mechanisms by which plants access complex organic nitrogen. This project will advance our discovery to produce fundamental knowledge for sustainable plant production
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Professor
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Faculty of Science
    School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
    Faculty of Science
    Affiliate of Centre for Horticultur
    Centre for Horticultural Science
    Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Funded by:
Australian Research Council