Paediatric Trauma in Queensland: where are we now and recommendations for the future (2008–2010)

To facilitate the development of a statewide Paediatric Network, an in-depth study in paediatric trauma care is required. The distribution of paediatric trauma in 2007 will be determined using including the hospital of primary care, transfers and time lines. This project will use these data to study the children by chart review and telephone interview and obtain 3 & 12 month physical and psychosocial morbidity outcomes. A study will also be undertaken to determine the paediatric capabilities of all state hospitals with an emergency department. By marrying these data we can progress to the development of improved trauma systems.
Grant type:
Queensland Health
  • ATH - Professor
    Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
    Faculty of Medicine
    ATH - Professor
    Child Health Research Centre
    Faculty of Medicine
  • ATH - Professor
    Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
Queensland Health