Control of Hydrophobic Interactions between Gas Bubbles in Water and Their Role in Gas Hydrate Formation and Dissociation (2010–2012)

Gas hydrates occur abundantly in ocean sediments and permafrost regions. Methane hydrate represents a potential source of clean energy, while formation of carbon dioxide hydrate can be utilised as an alternative carbon sequestration technology and an alternative water desalination process. The fundamentals of the processes associated with gas hydrate formation and dissociation remain unclear, posing an impediment to technology development for methane extraction and hydrate utilisation. This project will improve fundamental understanding of the sub-processes of hydrate formation and decomposition on a molecular level and, on the basis of which, develop an advanced kinetic model of foam-based processes of gas hydrate formation.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Associate Professor
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Associate Professor
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council