Mass spectrometry platform for high throughput genotyping, epigenetic analysis and validation of genome wide sequencing studies (2011–2012)

The primary goal of this application is to establish mass spectrometry technology in order to complement, and to enhance, our ability to validate large datasets created by genome-wide sequencing and microarray studies. By incorporating a highly sensitive and accurate platform for quantification of gene and epigenetic analysis, target validation and discovery will be facilitated. This mass spectrometry platform will foster collaborative relationships amongst members of the local University of Queensland research community, and will enhance collaboroative links iwth the Howard Florey Insitute and Queensland Health.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities
  • Professorial Research Fellow - Grou
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Professorial Research Fellow - Grou
    Queensland Brain Institute
Funded by:
Australian Research Council