Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electronic Devices and Logic Circuits (2012–2016)

This project will create the next generation of advanced materials, novel opto-electronic devices and circuits made with solution-based organic-inorganic hybrid materials. Organic-inorganic hybrid electronics offer a variety of exciting technological opportunities, because of their tremendous potential in providing enhanced properties that are not easily achievable with either organic or inorganic materials alone. The proposed research is at the frontier of the multi-disciplinary field of organic and metal oxide semiconductors and with broader impact in the emerging technology of printed electronics. This proposal is highly multi-disciplinary, transcending the boundaries of chemistry, physics and engineering.
Grant type:
ARC Future Fellowships
  • Associate Professor
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
    Associate Professor
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council