A new methodology for the measurement of transition metals ions in complex, high temperature oxide systems relevant to non-ferrous metal production. (2002–2004)

Complex multi-component molten oxide phases, known commonly as slags, are used in the high temperature production and refining of metals. The slag systems of commercial interest contain transition metals species, such as, Fe2+, Fe3+. Each of these species behaves as if it were a separate chemical component. Researchers at the University of Queensland have developed a new methodolgy, which enables the concentrations of these transition metal ions to be measured. These types of measurements cannot be made with any of the techniques currently in use. The study will provide data on high temperature slags in a number of industrially and scientifically important systems. This approach will be applicable to a wide range of chemical systems in the fields of extractive metallurgy, materials science and geology; systems which could not previously be characterised.''
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Emeritus/Emerita/Emeritx Professor
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council