The Effect Of Dissolved Organic Matter On The Toxicity And Bioavailability Of Metals In Tropical Freshwater Ecosystems (2005–2008)

Mine waste materials in tropical Australia, including historical, current and future operations, represent one of the threats to the quality and biodiversity of tropical freshwater ecosystems. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is thought to influence metal toxicity. In order to adequately understand the risks of priority metals and metalloids from mining and other activities (eg. urban development) to tropical freshwater ecosystems, it is essential that the role of DOC is quantified. The outcomes of this project will provide improved metal risk assessment methodologies; quantitative understanding of the relationship between DOC and the bioavailability and toxicity of key metals such arsenic, aluminium, cadmium, copper, uranium and zinc.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Principal Research Fellow
    Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
    Sustainable Minerals Institute
    Principal Research Fellow
    Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
    Sustainable Minerals Institute
Funded by:
Australian Research Council