The role of Netrin-DCC in the development of the corpus callosum (2007–2009)

During embryonic development neurons send out axons that connect to other target neurons within the brain. The proper connectivity of these axons is vital to brain function. The largest axon tract in the brain is called the corpus callosum and connects neurons in the left and right cerebral hemispheres. When the corpus callosum does not form, significant cognitive, motor and sensory deficits occur in patients. This condition, known as agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), is associated with over 50 different human congenital syndromes. Thus understanding how the genes and molecules involved in the formation of the corpus callosum function in normal development can provide the basis for our understanding of what goes wrong in ACC. In this proposal we will investigate the role of the axon guidance molecule Netrin1, and its receptor DCC, in development of the corpus callosum in both a mouse model and in humans with malformations of the corpus callosum. Although Netrin1/DCC signalling has traditionally been associated with mechanisms of axon guidance, we hypothesize that these molecules may play a different role, specifically in cellular adhesion and ultimately in the fusion of the two cerebral hemispheres, in a manner that allows the corpus callosum to form. A second role for Netrin1/DCC signalling may be in the guidance of these axons once the midline has fused correctly and we investigate this in Aim 2 of the proposal. Finally, we are collaborating with a paediatric neurologist at UCSF, who has identified several mutations in the DCC gene in patients with ACC. In Aim 3 we test whether these mutations disrupt the function of DCC in callosal axon pathfinding. Understanding how these genes function during development of the brain and how their function may be altered in ACC is crucial to providing a proper diagnosis and prognosis for these patients. Ultimately, understanding more about how these genes function could also lead to prevention of these disorders.
Grant type:
NHMRC Project Grant
  • Deputy Director (Research)
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Deputy Director (Research)
    Queensland Brain Institute
Funded by:
National Health and Medical Research Council