Award for Teaching Excellence (ATE) - Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) (2015–2018)

Synopsis - Michael Jennings is a leading mathematics educator, with 20 years¿ teaching experience, including ten years in higher education. Michael¿s teaching success is due to his philosophy of identifying and then building upon students¿ current knowledge, as well as connecting mathematics to everyday contexts through real-life case studies that illustrate the usefulness and beauty of mathematics. This has inspired countless students to excel in what is commonly regarded as a difficult discipline. Michael uses technology to gather data and then design innovative resources that support diverse student cohorts, including the internationally renowned GetSet formative feedback system and SmartAss self-testing system. Michael¿s leadership success centres on his capacity to bring traditionally distant academic groups such as engineering, mathematics, science, and mathematics education together, all in the name of improving teaching and learning. Consistently high teaching evaluation scores; five teaching awards at national, institutional, and faculty levels; numerous invitations to speak at national and international events and conferences; and the mpressive uptake by secondary schools and universities around the world of the GetSet and SmartAss resources evidence Michael¿s teaching excellence.
Grant type:
AAUT Award for Teaching Excellence
  • Lecturer
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Commonwealth Office for Learning and Teaching