Supersonic Combustion of Hydrocarbon Fuels for High-Mach-Number Axisymmetric Scramjets (2017–2021)

The next-generation aviation engines used in defence (and access-to-space) applications need to be air-breathing engines that operate at very high-speeds in order to have tactical/commercial advantages as indicated in Australia¿s Defence White Paper (2016). This project will directly address this need by aiming to enable the usage of high-energy- density, liquid hydrocarbon fuels in scramjets operating at 7.5 times the speed-of-sound. Currently, the usage of hydrocarbons at such high speeds is precluded owing to the mismatch between the time it takes to mix and burn the fuels and that available for this in these engines. This project will aim to solve this challenge by combining the recent advancements in supersonic combustion of hydrocarbon fuels by the candidate at the University of Queensland (UQ) with the hydrocarbon fuel thermal processing capabilities at the Defence Science and Technology (DST) Group based in Brisbane in collaboration with research groups from Stanford and Illinois on thermochemistry/optical diagnostics. The success of this fellowship will position Queensland based research groups to become world-leaders in the development of hydrocarbon fuelled scramjets. This will provide the basis for Queensland to become the hub of future industry activity and jobs in this advanced aviation technology domain.
Grant type:
Advance Queensland Research Fellowships
  • Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation