Mathematical and computational models for agrichemical retention on plants (ARC Linkage Project led by Queensland University of Technology) (2017–2022)

Mathematical modelling and computer simulation have the potential to transform agrichemical spraying of plants by offering an alternative to expensive experimental programs. This project aims to use contemporary fluid mechanics to build practical mathematical models for droplet impaction, spreading and evaporation on leaf surfaces. The models will be calibrated and validated experimentally. The intended outcome is to build new interactive software that simulates agrichemical spraying for multiple virtual plants that are reconstructed from scanned data. The software's purpose is to drive the development of new and improved agrichemical products that increase retention, minimise environmental impacts, and reduce costs for end-users.
Grant type:
Queensland University of Technology
  • Head of School
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
    Affiliate Professor
    Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
    Head of School of Chemical Engineer
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Queensland University of Technology