Enabling high photovoltaic penetration in power distribution networks (2018–2021)

The rapid uptake of residential solar systems has resulted in extensive voltage management issues for power distribution grids. This project aims to develop a novel hybrid control method for network voltage regulation with high photovoltaic penetration. Without such technology, the further integration of solar photovoltaic into the power grid will become increasingly difficult. The outcome of this project will enable power utilities to cost-effectively regulate network voltage and ultimately remove barriers for future photovoltaic deployment. This will deliver significant economic benefits for both the wider community and utility providers, along with substantial environmental outcomes through increased use of sustainable energy sources.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
  • Associate Professor
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Associate Professor
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council