Modelling mixed traffic traditional, connected and automated vehicles (2018–2019)

Connected and automated vehicle research will leverage the potentially transformative capabilities of wireless technology to make road transport safer, smarter, and greener. It will ultimately enhance the mobility and quality of life of all Australians, while reducing the environmental impact. However, no existing traffic flow models are capable of reproducing features of mixed traffic flow consisting of traditional, connected, and automated vehicles. This project addresses this knowledge deficit, and develops an analytical tool with the capability of accurately modelling mixed traffic flow. This new knowledge and model are prerequisites to effective operation and control of traffic flow of traditional, connected, and automated vehicles .
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
  • Professor
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council