Electron Transpiration Cooling of Hypersonic Vehicles (2019–2023)

Future aircraft for flight at hypersonic speed require sharp leading edges for the best aerodynamic performance. Cooling of the sharp leading edges is not possible with current technology. The aim of this project is to investigate novel surface materials that emit electrons when heated. This emission of electrons from the surface can significantly contribute to the cooling of the sharp leading edges. This project is expected to deliver new experimental data on novel surface materials exposed to a hypersonic flow environment and computer models that can simulate their cooling effect. This investigation will contribute towards enabling technologies for sustained hypersonic flight by overcoming critical head load limitations.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Director of HDR Students of School
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
  • Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
  • Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council