Phenotypic plasticity of reef fish vision in a changing world (2020–2023)

This project aims to investigate why fishes have more colour vision channels than any other vertebrate on the planet by studying representatives from the most vibrant ecosystem on earth, the Great Barrier Reef. It is currently not clear how vision is controlled on the molecular level and how this translates to the performance and survival of an animal. Through an innovative approach to understanding colour vision and animal behaviour, this project expects to advance Australia's leadership in neuroscience and ecology, while also increasing the capacity for international collaborations. Beyond the scientific benefit, it will create public awareness about an endangered ecosystem, inform reef guardianship and may inspire new sensory technology.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
  • UQ Amplify Lecturer
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    UQ Amplify Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
Funded by:
Australian Research Council