Multiscale modelling of multiphase interactions in shale gas reservoirs (ARC Discovery Project administered by University of Sydney) (2020–2023)

As conventional oil and gas become depleted in most of the producing basins, extraction of unconventional gas trapped in shale formations needs to become more viable. Since Australian shales have different characteristics from North American ones, the existing knowledge cannot be directly applied. We aim to develop a novel multiscale framework for deep understanding of the complex multiphase interactions in shale gas reservoirs. The outcomes will not only enable us to effectively assess the viability of gas extraction from Australian shale reservoirs with accurate long-term production forecasting, but help to develop strategies to effectively extract this relatively low carbon-emitting fossil fuel in the transition to a renewable economy.
Grant type:
University of Sydney
  • Associate Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Associate Professor
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
The University of Sydney