National Facility for Physical Fire Simulation (ARC LIEF administered by Western Syd University) (2022)

This LIEF proposal aims to establish a ground breaking national facility for physical fire simulation (NFPFS) that will extend and upgrade existing research capacity in Australia to become world leading. The facility will open new research possibilities and collaborations on the fire resistance of structures and infrastructure, from individual components (e.g. columns, beams) to structural assemblies (e.g. joints, frames). The NFPFS will unite researchers in their endeavours to conduct high-quality research in fire-related disciplines from all Australian mainland states; enhance collaboration with industries and government agencies; and provide research, training and education for this critically important area to the country.
Grant type:
Western Sydney University
  • Associate Professor
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Associate Professor
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Western Sydney University