Investigation of Mechanisms and Controlling Factors in Edge-Fracture of Ceramic Elements in Macro-composite Wear Liners (2023–2024)

Aims - The goals of the project are: (i) To understand the physical mechanisms by which the edge fracture phenomenon leads to degradation and failure of macro-composite liner products as used in high-tonnage ore chutes. (ii) To understand the geometric and materials parameters within the macro-composite product that control the onset and rate of progression of damage. (iii) To use the findings to provide guiding principles for future product development initiatives.
Grant type:
Innovation Connections
  • Advance Qld Industry Research Fello
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Advance Qld Industry Research Fello
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Commonwealth Department of Industry and Science