Deciphering the mechanisms of object manipulation with viscoelastic fluids (2024–2027)

This project aims to innovate how tiny objects in mixed samples are sorted using the forces generated by fluids that are both viscous and elastic. The developed technology is expected to break the limitations of conventional methods by automating sample processing and by enabling the sorting capability based on not only size, but also shape and fluid properties. This will meet the growing demand for rapid processing of complex real-world environmental samples. The expected outcomes include new knowledge and techniques for sorting algae and insects from water samples for the assessment of water quality and biodiversity. It is expected to benefit Australians by providing faster, cheaper, and more efficient environmental monitoring methods.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
  • Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
    Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
    School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council