Independent Research and Evaluation of the Police Drug Diversion Program (PDDP) (2024–2026)

Grant type:
Queensland Police Service
  • Research Social Scientist
    Institute for Social Science Research
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Research Fellow
    Institute for Social Science Research
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Senior Research Officer
    Institute for Social Science Research
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • Senior Research Fellow
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    Senior Research Fellow
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
  • Emeritus Professor
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
  • Director, Centre For Youth Substanc
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Professor & Lives Lived Well Chair
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    Deputy Director
    National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Institute for Social Science Research
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
The State of Queensland through the Queensland Police Service (QPS)