Interaction between PTH and Y2 bone anabolic pathways (2007–2012)

Osteoporosis is a costly condition that affects more than 150 million people worldwide and fills more hospital beds than any other disease*. People who have osteoporotic fractures experience a diminished quality of life and a reduced life expectancy. Although there are currently a number of therapies in use to reduce further loss of bone in osteoporotic patients, there is only one to replace lost bone, parathyroid hormone. For clinical and economic reasons, there is a need for additional bone-building therapies. Like all tissues, the nervous system affects skeletal function. We recently discovered a powerful control pathway by which the nervous system regulates bone formation. This project will test whether altering the function of this neural pathway can increase bone formation and whether it can work together with parathyroid hormone therapy to produce an enhanced bone formation response greater than either therapy alone. This research is important because of the need for new osteoporosis therapies to repair weakened bones. The knowledge gained from this study has the potential to provide a very important and useful contribution to skeletal health and thus aged health worldwide. *The Burden of Brittle Bones: Costing Osteoporosis in Australia. A report prepared by Access Economics Pty. Ltd. September 2001
Grant type:
NHMRC Project Grant
  • Honorary Professor
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
    Honorary Professor
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
National Health and Medical Research Council