Novel Nanotechnology Platforms for Disease Biomarker Diagnostics (2007–2010)

The human and economic costs of cancer and infectious diseases are enormous and debilitating. Our best prognosis lies with early detection, however, present technologies are largely unsuccessful. A key weapon will be the means to identify early disease stages at the molecular level. The use of biological markers (biomarkers) which distinguish characteristics of diseased cells are anticipated to revolutionise medicine. Through a multi-collaborative venture between Queensland and Washington, USA, this project attempts to utilize a potentially enabling nanotechnology for early diagnosis of human diseases such as cancer and malaria.
Grant type:
Queensland Government Smart State National and International Research Alliances Program
  • ARC Laureate Fellow and Senior Grou
    Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
    Professor and ARC Laureate Fellow
    School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Queensland Government Smart State National and International Research Alliances Program