Dr Conan Wang

ARC Future Fellow and Group Leader

Institute for Molecular Bioscience
+61 7 334 62014


I lead the Technology-Driven Drug Discovery (Tech3D) Group at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, UQ. We believe that the key to solving some of our world's biggest challenges, whether that be in medicine or agriculture, relies on the ability to precision engineer molecules at will. My group harnesses three technological pillars to engineer peptides and proteins, which are computational biology, molecular libraries, and nanotechnology. We aspire to design better drugs, creating next generation biotechnological agents that have real impact. These could be new cancer drugs that harness the body's immune system or new insecticides that are environmentally friendly. In these pursuits, we value advancement, fun, balance, respect, fairness, and integrity.

I have been involved in peptide and protein research for over two decades, and am highly experienced in bioinformatics, chemistry, structural characterization, biophysics, and biochemistry. I trained with experts in peptide and protein characterization: an Honours project with Professor Garry King at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (2004), an APA scholarship with Professor David Craik at the University of Queensland Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Brisbane, Australia (2005-2009) and a NHMRC fellowship with Professor Mingjie Zhang at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China (2009-2011) and A/Professor Andreas Hofmann at Griffith University Eskitis Institute, Brisbane, Australia (2011-2012). I returned to the University of Queensland in 2012 to join an industry partnership funded by an ARC linkage grant. I currently hold an ARC Future Fellowship and am responsible for a team of research officers, assistants and postgraduate students.

My research output has been recognised by >30 prizes and awards for leadership, research translation and fundamental research excellence, as well as numerous invitations to speak at academic and pharmaceutical conferences. I have over 100 publications and have been cited by researchers from across the world.

Research Interests

  • Drug Discovery and Protein/Peptide Engineeering
    My group uses: 1) computational algorithms to predict drug properties with unprecedented accuracy; 2) molecular libraries capable of screening through billions of drug leads to design drugs efficiently; and 3) nano-sized reaction droplets to capture drug activity to make drugs that actually work.
  • Cancer Therapeutics
    My group is interested in developing new cancer therapeutics, particularly those that modulate the immune system or relevant to lung cancer.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Engineering, University of New South Wales


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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Book Chapter

  • Wang, Conan K. (2018). NMR relaxation analysis of pharmaceutically active peptides. Modern magnetic resonance. (pp. 1997-2020) edited by Graham A. Webb. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28388-3_115

  • Craik, David J., Kaas, Quentin and Wang, Conan K. (2017). A practical guide to structural aspects of macrocycles (NMR, x-ray, and modeling). Practical medicinal chemistry with macrocycles: Design, synthesis, and case studies. (pp. 25-57) edited by Eric Marsault and Mark L Peterson. Hoboken, New Jersey, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781119092599.ch2

  • Craik, David J., Henriques, Sonia Troeira, Mylne, Joshua S. and Wang, Conan K. (2012). Cyclotide isolation and characterization. Natural product biosynthesis by microorganisms and plants, part B. (pp. 37-62) edited by David A. Hopwood. Burlington, USA: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394291-3.00024-1

  • Wang, Conan K., Huang, Yen-Hua, Greenwood, Kathryn and Craik, David J. (2010). Membrane binding of cyclotides. Membrane-active peptides: Methods and results on structure and function. (pp. 597-672) edited by Miguel A.R.B. Castanho. La Jolla, CA, U.S.A.: International University Line.

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

Completed Supervision