Dr Ross McVinish

Lecturer in Statistics

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science

Lecturer in Statistics

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
+61 7 336 53116


Ross McVinish has research interests in applied probability, Bayesian statistics and mathematical modelling of complex systems in population biology.

He received his PhD from Queensland University of Technology in 2002.

He is currently an associate editor for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics.

Research Interests

  • Analysis of metapopulation models
    Metapopulations are typically modelled by Markov chains having complex structure and large state-space which makes their behaviour difficult to analyse. I have studied conditions under which these metapopulation models can be approximated by simpler deterministic, Gaussian and point process models. These approximations can be used to improve our understanding of the conditions needed for a metapopulation to persist or recover from a near extinction state.
  • Bayesian goodness of fit testing
    The aim is to improve the computational tools and theoretical results available for assessing model fit in a Bayesian setting.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Applied Science, Queensland University of Technology
  • Bachelor of Applied Science, Queensland University of Technology


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PhD and MPhil Supervision

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