Dr Teegan Green

Lecturer in Marketing

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 334 68022


Dr Teegan Green is lecturer in marketing at the Business School, University of Queensland.

She has previously been a postdoctoral research fellow with the Australian Institute of Business Economics (AIBE), including the AIBE Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace.

Her background is as a service researcher and her research interests and publications span technology in healthcare including robotics, digital transformation of services, services marketing, education and trust. She has a h-index of 6, and has 252 citations (Google Scholar, May 2022). Her published work appears in several Australian Business Deans' Council (ABDC) journals including the A* Journal of Service Research (the top journal in service research), plus Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Australasian Marketing Journal, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Marketing Education Review, Studies in Higher Education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

She gained her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2017 from The University of Queensland, St Lucia exploring how healthcare service providers perceive they can establish trust with patients via different forms of technology-mediated interaction, spanning robotics, teleconferencing and store-and-forward email for healthcare consultation, diagnostics and treatment. She also holds two Arts degrees majoring in Japanese and English, and Mandarin; as well as a Bachelor of Education (Secondary), and a Bachelor of Business Management in Marketing with First Class Honours from The University of Queensland. She was awarded the University Medal (2013) and was Valedictorian for her graduating class (2013).

Dr Green won first place in the prestigious University of Queensland Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition for both her honours work (2012) and her doctoral work (2015).

Dr Green's ORCID is available here: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3981-9489

Dr Green's profile page at The University of Queensland Business School is available here: https://business.uq.edu.au/profile/893/teegan-green

Research Interests

  • Service marketing, technology and the digital transformation of service
    This research interest explores the application of technology as part of the digital transformation of service, within the domain of service marketing. Research in this stream includes the study of telehealth (healthcare at a distance) including use of and provider acceptance of telehealth technologies. Telehealth technologies previously studied included interviews with healthcare providers using surgical robots and robotics, store-and-forward, and video conferencing to provide care for patients in a range of settings. Further research is underway on the strategic capabilities with robots, robotics and other technologies are currently being explored as part of a research team through a postdoctoral research position with the Australian Institute of Business and Economics (AIBE). For applications in eHealth, this research stream is being expanded to include understanding the use of software and mobile applications for the digital transformation of healthcare service delivery in the Australian Primary Healthcare Sector.
  • Andragogy and Teaching Innovations
    This research explores critical issues in higher education related to the scholarship of teaching and learning, including student satisfaction with their course and teaching, student engagement, innovative teaching solutions, online course construction and delivery, and flipped classrooms, as well as issues of measurement and recommendations for best practice in higher education.
  • Gender Equality, Confidence and Career Intention
    This emerging research interest is related to postdoctoral research conducted with the Australian Institute of Business and Economics (AIBE) Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace. This project involved analysis of qualitative data as part of a research team exploring adolescent school students' perceptions of gender equality, career intentions, confidence and leadership as related to the Hands Up for Gender Equality Report: A Major Study into Confidence and Career Intentions of Adolescent Girls and Boys (Fitzsimmons, Yates & Callan, 2018).


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Marketing, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Arts (Chinese ), The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Business Management, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Education (Secondary), The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Arts (Japanese), The University of Queensland


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