Dr Natasha Reid

Research Fellow

Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine


Dr Natasha Reid is an Epidemiologist and Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine. Natasha has a specific interest in increasing quality of life and healthy life expectancy, and works across epidemiological, intervention and dissemination projects identifying and addressing frailty in a number of settings.

Natasha conducted her PhD at the School of Public Health, examining the association of physical activity and sedentary behaviour with the physical functioning of older adults, utilising cross-sectional, longitudinal and intervention studies. Since then, Natasha's work has focused primarily on frailty, investigating its development/aetiology, measurement, outcomes, and interventions strategies. Natasha currently coordinates or is involved in five ongoing research projects, including the feasibility and importance of measuring frailty in patients assessed for kidney transplantation, understanding epigenetic and other deep phenotyping changes in patients who have undergone a kidney transplant, and testing if comprehensive geriatric assessment is feasible and effective at improving frailty and attainment of patient goals in patients with (1) solid organ and haematological malignancies, (2) severe mental illness, and (2) vascular disease.

Natasha also has a significant role in researcher development, having supervised 7 undergraduate or post-graduate coursework research students, with a further 3 PhD students and 7 Geriatric Medicine Advanced Trainees currently under supervision. Natasha is chair of the CHSR EMCR committee, and represents EMCR interests as part of the organising committee of the Australia and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research annual general meeting, in Brisbane 2022.

Research Interests

  • Frailty
  • Interventions
  • biogerontology
  • longevity
  • health promotion
  • Geriatrics and gerontology
  • Aged Healthcare


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), The University of Queensland


View all Publications


  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision


Book Chapter

  • Lin, Hui-Shan, Reid, Natasha and Hubbard, Ruth E. (2023). Frailty in the perioperative setting for cancer patients. Perioperative care of the cancer patient. (pp. 396-408) edited by Carin Hagberg, Vijaya Gottumukkala, Berhard Riedel, Joseph Nates and Donal Buggy. Philadelphia, PA USA: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-69584-8.00035-9

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision