Dr Dongxue Zhao

QAAFI Early Career, Research Fellow

Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation


Dr Dongxue Zhao is a Research Fellow within the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation at The University of Queensland, Australia. Her research aims to contribute to sustainable gains in crop productivity by improving our understanding of how crop-soil interactions determine crop and root growth, water and nutrient uptake, and final yield. In her research, she combines innovative proximal and remote sensing techniques of crops, soils and roots, with predictive modelling and artificial intelligence tools. These include integrating electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques, and drone and satellite imagery to monitor crop root growth and water use dynamics over time; 3D mapping of soil properties and sub-soil constraints to map resource constraints; time-lapse imaging of soil wetting and drying cycles for applications in irrigated cropping; developing new hyperspectral libraries for the rapid estimation of plant, crop and soil properties; data fusion and machine learning in the landscape mapping of soil carbon, plant water and nutrients availability.

Research Interests

  • Phenotyping crop rooting systems in the field
  • 3D characterization of soil water content and crop water use
  • Developing new spectral databases for measuring and monitoring soil and plant properties


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Environmental Management


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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Available Projects

  • Droughts are a major constraint to dryland agriculture worldwide. Climate change is amplifying the frequency and intensity of droughts, making the need to increase crop resilience urgent. Plant breeding programs are developing new genotypes of improved drought tolerance, but progress is slow. The development of improved plant genotypes (G) relies on the ability to screen large numbers of experimental lines for favourable traits (phenotyping) across contrasting growing environments. Agronomists instead build drought tolerance by identifying optimum combinations of G and agronomic managements (M) that best fit site and expected environmental conditions. Under drought, the crop rooting system, its architecture, size, and activity, determine the capacity of the crop to take up water for photosynthesis and yield, underpinning agricultural productivity. Identifying desirable root phenotypes directly in the field would be the short route to help identify and incorporate traits that enhance drought tolerance in breeding programs, and to inform more resilient crop managements. In this project we aim to develop a new, repeatable, inexpensive, quick, and accurate method for phenotyping rooting systems in the field. The approach will integrate the use of proximal electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing of soils, drone imagery and crop ecophysiological principles. The key objectives of this fellowship are to: 1. Develop and test a proof-of-concept root phenotyping method in collaboration with a sorghum breeding company to screen root traits in large numbers of G, and GxM combinations. 2. Develop a ready-to-use data acquisition platform, data pipeline, and analysis method for root phenotyping in collaboration with a service provider of digital agriculture products. This will allow breeding companies to accelerate genetic progress and build drought resilience into their genotypes; agronomists to identify more resilient combinations of genotype and management practices, and digital agriculture businesses offer new products and services to breeding companies and agronomists.

  • Chickpeas can increase profits, diversify income, and increase sustainability. Megatrends in global food markets favour consumption of plant-based protein. However, significant productivity gaps remain, driven by lack of understanding of pulse physiology and agronomy. As part of a collaborative effort between UQ-QAAFI Centre for Crop Sciences and CSIRO, this project aims to improve our understanding of the impact of different water availabilities and temperature relationships on chickpea growth, development, and yield potential. The student will join a team of field agronomists, crop modellers, and crop physiologist that are conducting on-farm and on-research station trials to research the impacts of water availability and temperature regimes during critical periods of biomass partitioning and yield formation for chickpeas. The focus of the trials is to improve our understanding of the dynamics of yield formation under contrasting stresses. The student will be trained on the use of proximal root and canopy sensing technologies in the phenotyping of canopies and rooting systems using drones and DualEM sensors. Field, trials will be conducted during at least two seasons to improve and validate the APSIM model that will be used to assess yield and risks associated to contrasting GxExM combinations. Frequent travelling to the field and working outdoors in farmers’ fields will be required.

  • Plant available water capacity (PAWC) is the main soil property required to assess the amount and distribution of plant available water (PAW), used to inform pre planting, planting, and in-crop management decisions. Having access to reliable spatial maps of PAWC and PAW can also help inform cost-benefit analyses of investments in precision agriculture technologies and their applications. Previous attempts to map PAWC and PAW included the use of inverse crop modelling approaches to link maps of crop yield and vegetation indices with soil PAWC using crop models. The approach assumes that the observed yield is only affected by PAWC, it tends to only produce accurate representations of the total plant available water rather than its distribution in the soil profile and is unable to be applied to the fields without multiple seasons of yield maps. Another approach has taken advantage of the existing soil-landscape maps and PAWC information in the APSoil database. However, not all areas across Australia have been covered by the database and soil-landscape maps, and the data in APSoil can be highly imprecise, and highly specific to particular point locations, limiting the capability of this approach to account for spatial variations of PAWC for a target field. Here we propose a new conceptual approach to map PAWC and PAW rapidly and cost-effectively that combines 3D proximal sensing of permanent soil properties with the characterisation of transient site conditions using 3D maps of root growth and activity (Zhao, et al., 2022), and APSIM modelling. The student will be trained on the use of proximal sensing technologies and crop modeling for 3D characterizing soil moisture dynamics.

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Book Chapter

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

  • Rodriguez, Daniel and Zhao, Dongxue (2023). Early sorghum 2019-2022 data set. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/7924c5e

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

Possible Research Projects

Note for students: The possible research projects listed on this page may not be comprehensive or up to date. Always feel free to contact the staff for more information, and also with your own research ideas.

  • Droughts are a major constraint to dryland agriculture worldwide. Climate change is amplifying the frequency and intensity of droughts, making the need to increase crop resilience urgent. Plant breeding programs are developing new genotypes of improved drought tolerance, but progress is slow. The development of improved plant genotypes (G) relies on the ability to screen large numbers of experimental lines for favourable traits (phenotyping) across contrasting growing environments. Agronomists instead build drought tolerance by identifying optimum combinations of G and agronomic managements (M) that best fit site and expected environmental conditions. Under drought, the crop rooting system, its architecture, size, and activity, determine the capacity of the crop to take up water for photosynthesis and yield, underpinning agricultural productivity. Identifying desirable root phenotypes directly in the field would be the short route to help identify and incorporate traits that enhance drought tolerance in breeding programs, and to inform more resilient crop managements. In this project we aim to develop a new, repeatable, inexpensive, quick, and accurate method for phenotyping rooting systems in the field. The approach will integrate the use of proximal electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensing of soils, drone imagery and crop ecophysiological principles. The key objectives of this fellowship are to: 1. Develop and test a proof-of-concept root phenotyping method in collaboration with a sorghum breeding company to screen root traits in large numbers of G, and GxM combinations. 2. Develop a ready-to-use data acquisition platform, data pipeline, and analysis method for root phenotyping in collaboration with a service provider of digital agriculture products. This will allow breeding companies to accelerate genetic progress and build drought resilience into their genotypes; agronomists to identify more resilient combinations of genotype and management practices, and digital agriculture businesses offer new products and services to breeding companies and agronomists.

  • Chickpeas can increase profits, diversify income, and increase sustainability. Megatrends in global food markets favour consumption of plant-based protein. However, significant productivity gaps remain, driven by lack of understanding of pulse physiology and agronomy. As part of a collaborative effort between UQ-QAAFI Centre for Crop Sciences and CSIRO, this project aims to improve our understanding of the impact of different water availabilities and temperature relationships on chickpea growth, development, and yield potential. The student will join a team of field agronomists, crop modellers, and crop physiologist that are conducting on-farm and on-research station trials to research the impacts of water availability and temperature regimes during critical periods of biomass partitioning and yield formation for chickpeas. The focus of the trials is to improve our understanding of the dynamics of yield formation under contrasting stresses. The student will be trained on the use of proximal root and canopy sensing technologies in the phenotyping of canopies and rooting systems using drones and DualEM sensors. Field, trials will be conducted during at least two seasons to improve and validate the APSIM model that will be used to assess yield and risks associated to contrasting GxExM combinations. Frequent travelling to the field and working outdoors in farmers’ fields will be required.

  • Plant available water capacity (PAWC) is the main soil property required to assess the amount and distribution of plant available water (PAW), used to inform pre planting, planting, and in-crop management decisions. Having access to reliable spatial maps of PAWC and PAW can also help inform cost-benefit analyses of investments in precision agriculture technologies and their applications. Previous attempts to map PAWC and PAW included the use of inverse crop modelling approaches to link maps of crop yield and vegetation indices with soil PAWC using crop models. The approach assumes that the observed yield is only affected by PAWC, it tends to only produce accurate representations of the total plant available water rather than its distribution in the soil profile and is unable to be applied to the fields without multiple seasons of yield maps. Another approach has taken advantage of the existing soil-landscape maps and PAWC information in the APSoil database. However, not all areas across Australia have been covered by the database and soil-landscape maps, and the data in APSoil can be highly imprecise, and highly specific to particular point locations, limiting the capability of this approach to account for spatial variations of PAWC for a target field. Here we propose a new conceptual approach to map PAWC and PAW rapidly and cost-effectively that combines 3D proximal sensing of permanent soil properties with the characterisation of transient site conditions using 3D maps of root growth and activity (Zhao, et al., 2022), and APSIM modelling. The student will be trained on the use of proximal sensing technologies and crop modeling for 3D characterizing soil moisture dynamics.