Dr Emma CarriƩ

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Centre for Horticultural Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation


As part of my PhD, I hypothesized that light, as an energy source and signal, plays a critical role in the processes of vegetative bud break, leaf fall and axis mortality in mango tree, and that incorporating these effects into the functional-structural plant model (FSPM) V-Mango, could lead to a significant improvement in model outputs. To evaluate this hypothesis, I studied the functional relationships between light quantity and quality in mature mango tree crowns. I also characterized and modelled the effects of architecture, light, and pruning on axis appearance and disappearance. Finally, all of these results were integrated into V-Mango after coupling it with a light interception model and the model outputs were successfully validated at the axis and whole tree scales.


  • Doctoral (Research)
  • Doctoral (Research)
  • Masters (Research)
  • Bachelor
  • Diploma


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Journal Article

Conference Publication

  • Carrié, E., Grechi, I., Boudon, F., Frak, E., Combes, D. and Normand, F. (2023). Effect of growth unit characteristics and light environment on leaf fall in the evergreen mango tree. XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovative Perennial Crops Management, Angers, France, 14 - 20 August 2022. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/actahortic.2023.1366.48

  • Pallas, B., Martinez, S., Simler, O., Carrié, E., Costes, E. and Boudon, F. (2020). Assessing T-LiDAR technology for high throughput phenotyping apple tree topological and architectural traits. XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: International Symposium on Cultivars, Rootstocks and Management Systems of Deciduous Fruit and Fruit Tree Behaviour in Dynamic Environments, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-16 August 2018. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science. doi: 10.17660/actahortic.2020.1281.82