Professor Andrew Martin

Professorial Research Fellow

UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Faculty of Medicine
+61 7 334 65472


Andrew Martin is inaugural Professor of Innovative Clinical Trials and leads the University of Queensland’s cLinical Trials cApability (ULTRA) program. Andrew was Professor in the biostatistics group at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre University of Sydney. He maintains that role in an honorary capacity since joining UQ. Prior to academia, Andrew held senior biostatistics roles within research-based pharmaceutical organisations (Pfizer and Roche).

orcid ID: 0000-0001-5804-2295 (includes grants)

Scopus Author ID: 57223730436 (publication metrics)

Research Impacts

Andrew has made original, innovative and distinguished contributions to methodological research, as well as the design, conduct, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of clinical research that has had an impact at an international level policy, practice, and subsequent research programs. He has been responsible for the provision of statistical leadership to collaborative trials groups to design, undertake, analyse and report on clinical trials, as well as promoting investigator-initiated research activities.