Mr Yohan Wards

Research Officer

School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences



  • Wards, Yohan, Ehrhardt, Shane E, Garner, Kelly G, Mattingley, Jason B, Filmer, Hannah L and Dux, Paul E (2024). Stimulating prefrontal cortex facilitates training transfer by increasing representational overlap. Cerebral Cortex, 34 (5) bhae209. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae209

  • Ehrhardt, Shane E., Wards, Yohan, Rideaux, Reuben, Marjańska, Małgorzata, Jin, Jin, Cloos, Martijn A., Deelchand, Dinesh K., Zöllner, Helge J., Saleh, Muhammad G., Hui, Steve C. N., Ali, Tonima, Shaw, Thomas B., Barth, Markus, Mattingley, Jason B., Filmer, Hannah L. and Dux, Paul E. (2024). Neurochemical predictors of generalised learning induced by brain stimulation and training. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44 (21) e1676232024, e1676232024. doi: 10.1523/jneurosci.1676-23.2024

  • Terral, Geoffrey, Harrell, Evan, Lepousez, Gabriel, Wards, Yohan, Huang, Dinghuang, Dolique, Tiphaine, Casali, Giulio, Nissant, Antoine, Lledo, Pierre-Marie, Ferreira, Guillaume, Marsicano, Giovanni and Roux, Lisa (2024). Endogenous cannabinoids in the piriform cortex tune olfactory perception. Nature Communications, 15 (1) 1230, 1-17. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45161-x

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