Professor Lisa Nissen

Professorial Research Fellow and Pr

Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 334 69736


Pharmacy Practice & Quality Use of Medicines Researcher

Lisa completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy at The University of Queensland, graduating in 1993, followed by pre-registration and subsequent employment as a pharmacist with Queensland Health at metropolitan and rural hospitals. She returned to UQ to undertake a PhD focusing on the quality use of medicines, which was completed in 2002. Following one year of postdoctoral research, she took up a position of lecturer in June 2003, was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2006 and Associate Professor in 2010. In December 2012 Lisa took up the position of Professor and Head of the School of Clinical Sciences at Queensland University of Technology where she oversees the disciplines of Pharmacy, Podiatry, Medical Radiation Sciences and Paramedicine. She has continued her strong links to UQ Pharmacy through her Honorary Professor role supervising PhD students and collaborating on research projects.

Lisa is interested in improving the way in which medications are used, especially in the general community, and this forms the basis of her teaching, research, and professional activities.

Professional role:

Lisa actively contributes to the Pharmacy profession in many ways including presenting lectures at continuing education events and writing regular articles for Australian Pharmacist. In 2008 Lisa won the National Prescribing Service biennial QUM Media award for her monthly column ‘old drug – new indication’ in Australian Pharmacist.

Lisa was the elected chairman of the Queensland branch committee of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists (SHPA) in 2004-2006 and became a Fellow of SHPA in 2007. After being involved with the continuing education committee of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Queensland branch for many years, Lisa was elected to the council in 2006 and President of the Queensland Branch of the PSA in 2007, remaining president until 2015. Lisa was then elected to represent Queensland on the National Board of the PSA in 2008 and became National Vice President in 2009. In 2011 she was elected as a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.

Lisa was awarded the PSA Young Pharmacist of the Year in 2002 and the PSA Pharmacist of the Year in 2008 – she is the youngest recipient of the Pharmacist of the Year and the only person to have received both awards. In 2014 she recived the UTS Innovative Pharmacist of the Year Award for her work implementing Pharmacists Vaccination in Australia and in 2014 also recieved the PSA QLD Branch Bowl of Hygeia. In 2017 Lisa was awarded the PSA Gold Medal for Service to the Profession and Innovative Practice.

Lisa represents the pharmacy profession and provides advice to local, national and international groups on the role of pharmacists in healthcare and the quality use of medicines. This includes work with organisations such as the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, the International Pharmacy Federation, and the World Health Organisation.


Lisa received a UQ Commendation for Excellence in Teaching in 2006 a UQ Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2007, and won an Australian Award for University Teaching from the Australian Learning & Teaching Council (formally known as the Carrick Institute) in 2008 and the Office of Learning and Teaching in 2013. In 2014 she was awarded a Wartons QS Star Reimagine Education Award for her work in interprofessional education.

Research Interests:

Lisa has a wide range of research interests which are clustered into four themes: Extended and expanded scopes of practice for health professionals, factors that influencing prescribing, Quality Use of Medicines and scholarship in teaching.

Lisa has supervised 50 higher degree research students to completion, including honours, masters (12) and PhD (22) and currently supervises 30 HDR students.

Research Interests

  • Scholarship in teaching
    Interprofessional education "Future Proofing" pharmacy graduates Pharmaceutical calculations
  • Specific clinical issues
    Pain management Medicinal Cannabis Medications used for sleep Drug dose form alteration "Crushing tablets"
  • Factors influencing prescribing
    - Influence of pharmaceutical companies on prescribing (e.g. sample/starter medication packs) - Pharmacoepidemiology e.g. antipsychotic prescribing in the elderly, osteoporosis prevention, psycho-stimulants in children
  • Cognitive services in Pharmacy
    Non-medical prescribing - service delivery research, training and competency development Expanded roles for pharmacists -advanced clinical services and prescribing Pharmacist role in primary and preventative care, e.g. sexual health, screening for sleep problems Digital Health and Telepharmacy (remote pharmaceutical review)


  • Bachelor of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland


View all Publications


  • Doctor Philosophy

  • (2021) Doctor Philosophy

  • (2015) Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision



Book Chapter

  • Poudel, Arjun, Lau, Esther T.L., Kyle, Gregory J. and Nissen, Lisa M. (2019). Pharmacy Practice in Australia and New Zealand. Encyclopedia of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy. (pp. 488-498) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-812735-3.00729-9

  • Bennett, Sally, Abell, Bridget, Bennett, John, Bogossian, Fiona, Ee, Carolyn, Jennings, Paul, Nissen, Lisa, Nund, Rebecca and Williams, Cylie (2017). Understanding evidence from qualitative research: examples of assessment of quality (critical appraisal) from different health professions. Evidence based practice across the health professions. (pp. 248-291) edited by Tammy Hoffman, Sally Bennett and Chris Del Mar. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Elsevier.

  • Del Mar, Chris, Bennett, Sally, Boyle, Mal, Coombes, Jeff, Elkins, Mark R., Morgan, Angela, Nissen, Lisa, Rickard, Claire, Sanders, Sharon, Schneider-Kolsky, Michal and Skeat, Jemma (2013). Questions about diagnosis: examples of appraisals from different health professions. Evidence-based practice across the health professions. (pp. 153-176) edited by Tammy Hoffmann, Sally Bennett and Chris Del Mar. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Elsevier.

  • Bennett, Sally, Bennett, John, Boyle, Mal, Coombes, Jeff, Lockwood, Craig, Nissen, Lisa, Pirotta, Marie, Sanders, Sharon and Skeat, Jemma (2013). Questions about patients’ experiences and concerns: examples of appraisals from different health professions. Evidence-based practice across the health professions. (pp. 240-282) edited by Tammy Hoffmann, Sally Bennett and Chris Del Mar. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Elsevier.

  • Bond, Jacqueline A. and Nissen, Lisa M. (2012). Using medicines safely and effectively. The home therapist: A practical, self-help guide for everyday psychological problems. (pp. 173-175) edited by John Barletta and Jan Bond. Bowen Hills, QLD, Australia: Australian Academic Press.

  • Moran, Monica, Boyce, Rosalie A and Nissen, Lisa (2011). Competition the new Collaboration? Employing inter-team competitiveness to motivate health students to learn together. Sociology of interprofessional health care practice: Critical reflections and concrete solutions. (pp. 155-168) edited by Simon Kitto, Janice Chesters, Jill Thistlethwaite and Scott Reeves. New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

Completed Supervision