Dr Kristie Bell

ATH - Senior Lecturer

Child Health Research Centre
Faculty of Medicine



  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


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Book Chapter

  • Walker, Jacqueline L. and Bell, Kristie L. (2020). Assessment of nutritional state: dietetic, energy and macronutrients. Nutrition and neurodisability. (pp. 109-130) edited by Peter B. Sullivan, Guro L. Andersen and Morag J. Andrew. London: Mac Keith Press.

  • Bell, Kristie L., Davies, Peter S. W. , Boyd, Roslyn N. and Stevenson, Richard D. (2012). Use of segmental lengths for the assessment of growth in children with cerebral palsy. Handbook of anthropometry: physical measures of human form in health and disease. (pp. 1279-1297) edited by Victor R. Preedy. Boston, MA, United States: Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1788-1_78

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