Professor Hugh Possingham

V-C Senior Research Fellow

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science


Hugh Possingham's research interests are in conservation research, operations research and ecology. More specifically his lab works on problems to secure the world's biological diversity: efficient nature reserve design, habitat reconstruction, optimal monitoring, optimal management of populations for conservation, cost-effective conservation actions for threatened species, pest control and population harvesting, survey methods for detecting bird decline, bird conservation ecology, environmental accounting and metapopulation dynamics. He has always been actively involved in conservation policy and advocacy - to learn how listen to "The 2023 Univ Canberra Krebs lecture on Science, Maths and Environmental Policy -"

Hugh is 40% UQ in the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science to our website homepage (; 10% Accounting for Nature and 10% co-chair of the national Biodiversity Council. He sits on c30 other boards and committees pro bono.

His research projects are in the field of decision theory in conservation biology, including co-developing Marxan MaPP - Marxan (

  • Biodiversity offsetting
  • Biodiversity markets
  • Conservation policy at all levels of government
  • Reserve design, biodiversity management and fire regime management
  • Population viability analysis (PVA) - including the development of ALEX
  • Pollination ecology
  • Metapopulation dynamics
  • Ecological economics
  • Optimal monitoring and environmental accounts
  • Stochastic modelling
  • Biodiversity and climate change
  • Population dynamics of marine organisms
  • Marine reserve design
  • Marine population dynamics
  • Avian community ecology
  • Edge effects and fragmentation
  • Landscape ecology
  • Behavioural and population ecology of parasitoids

Research Impacts

Some of Hugh's research impact can be lsitened to here - "The 2023 Univ Canberra Krebs lecture on Science, Maths and Environmental Policy -". Some of the highlights are in his Wikipedia Page, so it muct be true :) :

"Possingham was the Queensland Chief Scientist from 2020 to 2022, where he provided high-level strategic science, research and innovation advice to the Queensland Government and acted as an ambassador for science in Queensland.[1][11]

Possingham is a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, chaired the Australian Government's committees on Biodiversity Hotspots, and on Biological Diversity,[12] the Queensland Government's Smart State Council,[13] and the Wilderness Society's Wild Country Science Council.[14]

Possingham co-authored "The Brigalow Declaration"[15] with Dr Barry Traill, used by Queensland Premier Beattie to support an end to land-clearing in Queensland. Land clearance in Queensland was removing 500,000 hectares of native vegetation each year, and was responsible for 10% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions; its cessation enabled Australia to meet its Kyoto Protocol target.[16] In 2009 he proposed devoting a proportionate fraction of gambling revenues to saving an endangered species, to be selected by a random drawing shown on television before the Melbourne Cup.[17]

From 2016 to 2020, Possingham was the Chief Scientist of The Nature Conservancy, a global conservation organisation with 400 scientists and 4000 staff, that has protected more than 40 million hectares of land and thousands of kilometres of rivers worldwide.[1]"


  • Australian Mathematical Society, Australian Mathematical Society
  • Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy of Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oxford
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Science (Advanced), University of Adelaide


  • Plowright, Raina K., Ahmed, Aliyu N., Coulson, Tim, Crowther, Thomas W., Ejotre, Imran, Faust, Christina L., Frick, Winifred F., Hudson, Peter J., Kingston, Tigga, Nameer, P. O., O’Mara, M. Teague, Peel, Alison J., Possingham, Hugh, Razgour, Orly, Reeder, DeeAnn M., Ruiz-Aravena, Manuel, Simmons, Nancy B., Srinivas, Prashanth N., Tabor, Gary M., Tanshi, Iroro, Thompson, Ian G., Vanak, Abi T., Vora, Neil M., Willison, Charley E. and Keeley, Annika T. H. (2024). Ecological countermeasures to prevent pathogen spillover and subsequent pandemics. Nature Communications, 15 (1) 2577, 1-13. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-46151-9

  • Negret, Pablo Jose, Venegas, Ruben, Sonter, Laura J., Possingham, Hugh P. and Maron, Martine (2024). Conservation planning for retention, not just protection. Global Change Biology, 30 (3) e17211, e17211. doi: 10.1111/gcb.17211

  • Pérez-Hämmerle, Katharina-Victoria, Moon, Katie and Possingham, Hugh P. (2024). Unearthing assumptions and power: a framework for research, policy, and practice. One Earth, 7 (2), 199-210. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2024.01.003

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Book Chapter

  • Possingham, Hugh P., McCarthy, Michael A. and Lindenmayer, David B. (2024). Population Viability Analysis. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Third Edition: Volume 1-7. (pp. V4-410-V4-421) Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-822562-2.00296-6

  • Allan, James R., Possingham, Hugh P., Venter, Oscar, Biggs, Duan and Watson, James E.M. (2020). The Extraordinary Value of Wilderness Areas in the Anthropocene. Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes: Volumes 1-5. (pp. 158-168) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12427-3

  • Sayre, Roger, Martin, Madeline, Karagulle, Deniz, Frye, Charlie, Breyer, Sean, Wright, Dawn, Butler, Kevin, VanGraafeiland, Keith, Boucher, Timothy, McGowan, Jennifer, Touval, Jerry, Wolff, Nicholas H., Sotomayor, Leonardo, Game, Edward T. and Possingham, Hugh (2020). World Terrestrial Ecosystems. Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes: Volumes 1-5. (pp. 31-34) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12474-1

  • Watts, Matthew E., Stewart, Romola R., Martin, Tara G., Klein, Carissa J., Carwardine, Josie and Possingham, Hugh P. (2017). Systematic conservation planning with Marxan. Learning landscape ecology: a practical guide to concepts and techniques. (pp. 211-227) edited by Sarah E. Gergel and Monica G. Turner. New York, NY, United States: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-6374-4_13

  • Mackey, Brendan, Possingham, Hugh P. and Ferrier, Simon (2013). Connectivity conservation principles for Australia's National Wildlife Corridors. Linking Australia's landscapes: lessons and opportunities from large-scale conservation networks. (pp. 233-243) edited by James Fitzsimons, Ian Pulsford and Geoff Wescott. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

  • Possingham, Hugh P., McCarthy, Michael A. and Lindenmayer, David B. (2013). Population Viability Analysis. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity: Second Edition. (pp. 210-219) edited by Simon A. Levin. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-384719-5.00173-8

  • Bode, M., Wilson, K. A . and Possingham, H. P. (2012). Biodiversity hotspots. Encyclopedia of sustainability: ecosystem management and sustainability. (pp. 222-223) Barrington, United States: Berkshire Publishing Group.

  • Possingham, Hugh P., Fuller, Richard A. and Joseph, Liana N. (2012). Choosing among long-term ecological monitoring programs and knowing when to stop. Design and analysis of long-term ecological monitoring studies. (pp. 498-508) edited by Robert .A. Gitzen, Joshua J. Millspaugh, Andrew B. Cooper and Daniel S. Licht.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139022422.030

  • Lourival, Reinaldo, Watts, Matt, Mourao, Guilherme M. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2012). Systematic zoning applied to biosphere reserves: protecting the Pantanal Wetland Heritage. Tropical wetland management: the South-American Pantanal and the international experience. (pp. 135-171) edited by Antonio Augusto Rossotto Ioris. London, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

  • Possingham, Hugh P., Wintle, Brendan A., Fuller, Richard A. and Joseph, Liana N. (2012). The conservation return on investment from ecological monitoring. Biodiversity monitoring in Australia. (pp. 49-61) edited by David Lindenmayer and Philip Gibbons. Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO.

  • Bekessy, Sarah A., Wintle, Brendan A., Lindenmayer, David B., McCarthy, Michael A., Colyvan, Mark, Burgman, Mark A. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2011). Growing biodiversity banking. Payment for Ecosystem Services and Food Security. (pp. 104-107) edited by Daniela Ottaviani and Nadia El-Hage Scialabba. Rome, Italy: Natural Resources, Management and Environment Department, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

  • Fuller, Richard A., Ladle, Richard J., Whittaker, Robert J. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2011). Planning for persistence in a changing world. Conservation biogeography. (pp. 161-189) edited by Richard J. Ladle and Robert J. Whittaker. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781444390001.ch7

  • Watson, James E. M., Grantham, Hedley S., Wilson, Kerrie A. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2011). Systematic conservation planning: Past, present and future. Conservation biogeography. (pp. 1956-1976) edited by Richard J. Ladle and Robert J. Whittaker. London , U. K.: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781444390001.ch6

  • Wilson, Kerrie A., Bode, Michael, Grantham, Hedley and Possingham, Hugh P. (2010). Prioritizing trade-offs in conservation. Trade-offs in conservation: Deciding what to save. (pp. 17-34) edited by Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams and Robert J. Smith. Oxford, U.K. ; Hoboken, NJ., U.S.A.: Wiley Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444324907.ch2

  • Pople, A. R., Grigg, G. C., Phinn, S. R., Menke, N., McAlpine, C. and Possingham, H. P. (2010). Reassessing the spatial and temporal dynamics of kangaroo populations. Macropods: The biology of kangaroos, wallabies and rat-kangaroos. (pp. 197-210) edited by Graeme Coulson and Mark Eldridge. Collingwood, Vic., Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

  • Murdoch, William, Bode, Michael, Hoekstra, Jon, Kareiva, Peter, Polasky, Steve, Possingham, Hugh P. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2010). Trade-offs in identifying global conservation priority areas. Trade-offs in conservation: Deciding what to save. (pp. 35-55) edited by Nigel Leader-Williams, William M. Adams and Robert J. Smith. Oxford, U.K. ; Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781444324907.ch3

  • Moilanen, Atte, Possingham, Hugh P. and Polasky, Stephen (2009). A mathematical classification of conservation prioritization problems. Spatial conservation prioritization. Quantitative methods & Computational tools. (pp. 28-42) edited by Atte Moilanen, Kerrie A. Wilson and Hugh P. Possingham. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Possingham, Hugh P., Moilanen, Atte and Wilson, Kerrie Wilson (2009). Accounting for habitat dynamics in conservation planning. Spatial conservation prioritization quantitative methods and computational tools. (pp. 135-144) edited by Atte Moilanen, Kerrie A. Wilson and Hugh P. Possingham. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Knight, Andrew T., Cowling, Richard M., Possingham, Hugh P. and Wilson, Kerrie A. (2009). From theory to practice: Designing and situating spatial prioritization approaches to better implement conservation action.. Spatial conservation prioritization. Quantitative methods & computational tools. (pp. 249-259) edited by A. Moilanen, K. A. Wilson and H. P. Possingham. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Ball, Ian R., Possingham, Hugh P. and Watts, Matthew E. (2009). Marxan and relatives: Software for spatial conservation prioritization. Spatial conservation prioritization. Quantitative methods & computational tools. (pp. 185-195) edited by A. Moilanen, K. A. Wilson and H. P. Possingham. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Moilanen, A., Possingham, H.P. and Wilson, K.A. (2009). Spatial conservation prioritization: Past, present and future. Spatial conservation prioritization. Quantitative methods & computational tools. (pp. 260-268) edited by Atte Moilanen, Kerrie A. Wilson and Hugh P. Possingham. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Beissinger, S., Nicholson, E. and Possingham, H.P. (2008). Application of Population Viability Analysis to Landscape Conservation Planning. Models for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes. (pp. 33-49) edited by Millspaugh, J. and Thompson, F.. United Kingdom: Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-373631-4.00002-2

  • Possingham, Hugh P. (2008). Biodiversity. Ten commitments: reshaping the lucky country's environment. (pp. 155-162) edited by David Lindenmayer, Stephen Dovers, Molly Harriss Olson and Steve Morton. Collingwood, VIC, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.

  • Wilson, Kerrie, Possingham, Hugh, Martin, Tara G. and Grantham, Hedley S. (2008). Key concepts. Marxan good practices handbook. (pp. 18-23) edited by Jeff A. Ardron, Hugh P. Possingham and Carissa J. Klein. Vancouver, Canada: Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association.

  • Mackey, B. G., Soule, M. E., Nix, H. A., Recher, H. F., Lesslie, R. G., Williams, J. E., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Hobbs, R. J. and Possingham. H. P. (2007). Applying landscape-ecological principles to regional conservation: the WildCountry Project in Australia. Key topics in landscape ecology. (pp. 192-213) edited by Wu, Jianguo and Hobbs, Richard J.. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511618581.012

  • Game, Eddie, Carwardine, Josie, Wilson, Kerrie, Watts, Matt, Klein, Carissa and Possingham, Hugh (2007). How to integrate cost, threat and multiple actions into conservation planning for reserves and stewardship. Protected areas: buffering nature against climate change. (pp. 97-99) edited by Martin Taylor and Penelope Figgis. Sydney, NSW, Australia: WWF-Australia.

  • Possingham, H. and Nicholson, E. (2007). Principles of landscape design that emerge from a formal problem-solving approach. Management and design landscapes for conservation. (pp. 520-534) edited by Lindenmayer, D. B. and Hobbs, R.. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing.

  • Mace, G. M., Possingham, H. P. and Leader-Williams, N. (2007). Prioritizing choices in conservation. Key Topics in Conservation Biology. (pp. 17-34) edited by MacDonald, D. and Service, K.. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd..

  • Possingham, H., Wilson, K. A., Andelman, S. J. and Vynne, C. H. (2006). Protected areas: Goals, limitations, and design. Principles of Conservation Biology. (pp. 507-549) edited by Martha J. Groom, Gary K. Meffe and C. Ronald Carroll. Sunderland, Massachusetts, U.S.: Sinauer Associates.

  • Possingham, H., Franklin, J., Wilson, K. A. and Regan, T. J. (2005). The roles of spatial heterogeneity and ecological processes in conservation planning. Ecosystem Function in Heterogeneous Landscapes. (pp. 389-406) edited by Gary M. Lovett, Clive G. Jones, Monica G. Turner and Kathleen C. Weathers. New York, U.S: Springer. doi: 10.1007/0-387-24091-8_19

  • Cabeza, M., Moilanen, A. and Possingham, H. (2004). Metropopulation dynamics and reserve network design. Ecology, genetics and evolution of metapopulations. (pp. 541-564) edited by I. Hanski and O.E. Gaggiotti. UK: Elsevier, Academic Press. doi: 10.1016/B978-012323448-3/50024-6

  • Possingham, Hugh, Lindenmayer, David B. and Tuck, G. N. (2002). Decision theory for population viability analysis. Population Viability Analysis. (pp. 470-489) edited by Steven R. Beissinger and Dale R. McCulloch. USA: The University of Chicago.

  • Possingham, H., Andelman, S.J., Noon, B.R., Trombulak, S. and Pulliam, H.R. (2001). Making smart conservation decisions. Conservation Biology: Research Priorities for the Next Decade. (pp. 225-244) edited by M.E. Soule and G.H. Orians. Washington: Island Press.

  • Hixon, M.A., Dee Boersma, P., Hunter Jr, M.L., Micheli, F., Norse, E.A., Possingham, H. and Snelgrove, P.V.R. (2001). Oceans at risk: Research priorities in Marine Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology: Research Priorities for the Next Decade. (pp. 125-154) edited by M.E. Soule and G.H. Orians. Washington: Island Press.

  • Possingham, Hugh, Ball, Ian and Andelman, Sandy (2000). Mathematical Methods for Identifying Representative Reserve Networks. Quantitative Methods for Conservation Biology. (pp. 291-305) edited by Ferson, S. and Burgman, M.. Springer-Verlag.

  • Lindenmayer, D.B. and Possingham, H.P. (1996). An approach for determining wildlife meta-population wiability using GlSto. GIS applications in natural resources 2. (pp. *-*) edited by Michael Heit, Art Shortreid and H. Dennison Parker. Fort Collins, CO, United States: GIS World Books.

  • Lindenmayer, D. B. and Possingham, H. P. (1996). Applications of population viability analysis in conservation biology in Australia. Species survival in fragmented landscapes . (pp. 102-110) edited by Josef Settele, Chris Margules, Peter Poschlod and Klaus Henle. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978-94-009-0343-2_11

  • Norton, T.W. and Possingham, H.P. (1993). Wildlife modelling for biodiversity conservation. Modelling change in environmental systems. (pp. *-*) edited by A. J. Jakeman, M. B. Beck and M. J. McAleer. Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley.

  • Possingham, Hugh (1991). The role of population viability analysis in forest management. Conservation of Australia’s forest fauna. (pp. 35-39) edited by Daniel Lunney. Mosman, NSW, Australia: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. doi: 10.7882/rzsnsw.1991.003

Journal Article

Conference Publication

  • Chauvenet, Alienor L.M., Watson, James E.M., Adams, Vanessa M., Di Marco, Moreno, Venter, Oscar, Davis, Katrina J., Mappin, Bonnie, Klein, Carissa J., Kuempel, Caitlin D. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2020). To achieve big wins for terrestrial conservation, prioritize protection of ecoregions closest to meeting targets. Cambridge, MA, United States: Cell Press. doi: 10.1016/j.oneear.2020.04.013

  • Correa, Diego F., Beyer, Hawthorne L., Possingham, Hugh P., Fargione, Joseph E., Hill, Jason, Thomas-Hall, Skye R. and Schenk, Peer M. (2018). Potential conflicts between microalgal biodiesel production and areas of high ecological importance at national scales. European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland, 12-15 June 2018. Jyväskylä, Finland: Jyvaskyla University Open Science Centre. doi: 10.17011/conference/eccb2018/109047

  • McAlpine, Clive, Catterall, Carla P., Mac Nally, Ralph, Lindenmayer, David, Reid, J. Leighton, Holl, Karen D., Bennett, Andrew F., Runting, Rebecca K., Wilson, Kerrie, Hobbs, Richard J., Seabrook, Leonie, Cunningham, Shaun, Moilanen, Atte, Maron, Martine, Shoo, Luke, Lunt, Ian, Vesk, Peter, Rumpff, Libby, Martin, Tara G., Thomson, James and Possingham, Hugh (2016). Integrating plant- and animal- based perspectives for more effective restoration of biodiversity. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/16-0108.1

  • Chamberlain, Debbie, Possingham, Hugh and Phinn, Stuart (2015). Decision-making to facilitate habitat movements in Coastal Australia. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpelier, France, 2-6 August 2015. Washington, DC, United States: Society for Conservation Biology. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4233.4489/1

  • Guru, S. M., Dwyer, R. G., Watts, M. E., Dinh, M. N., Abramson, D., Nguyen, H. A., Campbell, H.A., Franklin, C. E., Clancy, T. and Possingham, H. P. (2015). A reusable scientific workflow for conservation planning. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 29 November to 4 December 2015. Gold Coast, QLD, Australia: MSSANZ.

  • Bunton, J. D., Ernst, A. T., Hanson, J. O., Beyer, H. L., Hammill, E., Runge, C. A., Venter, O., Possingham, H. P. and Rhodes, J. R. (2015). Integrated planning of linear infrastructure and conservation offsets. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 29 November to 4 December 2015. Gold Coast, QLD, Australia: MSSANZ.

  • Evans, Megan C., Maron, Martine, Gibbons, Philip and Possingham, Hugh P. (2013). A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: ecological time preference and biodiversity offsets. 15th Annual BIOECON Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 18 – 20 September 2013.

  • Tulloch, Vivitskaia J., Possingham, Hugh, Jupiter, Stacy, Roelfsema, Christiaan M., Tulloch, Ayesha and Klein, Carissa (2013). Novel methods for designing marine reserves under uncertainty: trading off risk, habitat representation, and socio-economic costs. INTECOL 2013: 11th International Congress of Ecology, ExCel, London, UK, 18-23 August, 2013.

  • Watson, James E. M., Evans, Megan C., Carwardine, Josie, Fuller, Richard A., Joseph, Liana N., Segan, Dan B., Taylor, Martin F. J., Fensham, R. J. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2011). The capacity of Australia's protected-area system to represent threatened species. Hoboken, NJ, United States: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2010.01587.x

  • McDonald-Madden, E., Baxter, P. W. J. and Possingham, H. P. (2011). Robust conservation decision-making. First International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis and Management (ICVRAM 2011); and Fifth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Anaylsis (ISUMA), Hyattsville, Maryland, United States, 11-13 April 2011. Reston, VA United States: ASCE. doi: 10.1061/41170(400)115

  • Possingham, Hugh P. (2010). Can we have our biodiversity and eat too?. Biodiversity and world food security: nourishing the planet and its people, Canberra, Australia, 30 August - 1 September 2010.

  • Kendall, Bruce E., Klein, Carissa J. and Possingham, Hugh P. (2010). Ignorant conservation: designing reserve networks to protect unobserved biodiversity. 95th ESA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1-6 August 2010.

  • Nicol, S., Chades, I., Linke, S. and Possingham, H. P. (2009). Conservation decision-making in large state spaces. 18 World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia, 13-17 July 2009. Canberra, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

  • Probert, W.J.M., McDonald-Madden, E., Hauser, C.E., Baxter, P.W.J. and Possingham, H.P. (2009). Knowledge gain or system benefit in environmental decision making?. 18 World IMACS / MODSIM Congress, Cairns, Australia, 13-17July 2009. Canberra, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.

  • Spindler, Rebecca, Banks, Chris, Foster, Wendy, Possingham, Hugh, West, Chris, Gipps, Jo, Dickie, Leslie, Dick, Gerald and Byers, Onnie (2009). Measuring and multiplying our conservation effort. Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria (ARAZPA) Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 22-26 March 2009. Sydney, Australia: Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria.

  • Firn, J., Rout, T., Possingham, H. and Buckley, Y. M. (2008). Optimising weed control by considering disturbance. Weed Management 2008. Hot Topics in the Tropics, Cairns, Australia, 18-22 May, 2008. Australia: Queensland Weeds Society.

  • Yokomizo, Hiroyuki, Possingham, Hugh P., Thomas, Matthew B. and Buckley, Yvonne M. (2007). Incorporating the cost of impact into optimal management of invasive species: The value of knowing the impact curve. ESA/ESR Joint Meeting, San Jose, USA, 5-10 August, 2007. United States: Ecological Society of America.

  • McBride, Marissa, Wilson, Kerrie Ann, Bode, M. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Incorporating the effects of socioeconomic uncertainty into priority setting for conservation investment. 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, Malden, Massachusetts. U.S.A., 2007. Malden, Mass., U.S.A.: Blackwell. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00832.x

  • Linke, S., Watts, M. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Muddy waters: Modifying reserve design algorithms for riverine landscapes. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Land, Water & Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-13 Dec 2007. Canberra, ACT Australia : The modelling and simulation society of Australia and New Zealand Inc..

  • Baxter, P. W. J., Wilcox, C., McCarthy, M. A. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Optimal management of an annual weed: A stochastic dynamic programming approach. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Land, Water & Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-13 Dec 2007. ACT, Australia: The modelling and simulation society of Australia and New Zealand Inc..

  • Cordwell, S. A. W., McDonald-Madden, E., Baxter, P. W. J. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Predator management in a two-patch system. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Land, Water & Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, Christchurch, 10-13 Dec 2007. New Zealand: The modelling and simulation society of Australia and New Zealand Inc..

  • McDonald-Madden, E., Chades, I, McCarthy, M. A., Wintle, B. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Should I spread my risk or concentrate my efforts: Is triage of a subpopulation ever the best decision?. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Land, Water & Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, Christchurch, 10-13 Dec 2007. ACT, Camberra: The modelling and simulation society of Australia and New Zealand Inc..

  • Firn, Jennifer L., Rout, Tracy M., Possingham, Hugh P. and Buckley, Yvonne M. (2007). Target the cause and simplify the control: Integrating disturbance into weed management. Joint Meeting of the 92nd Ecological-Society-of-American/Society-for-Ecological-Restoration, San Jose, CA, USA, 5-10 August, 2007. Washington, D.C. U.S.A.: Ecological Society of America.

  • Huth, N. I. and Possingham, H. P. (2007). Tradeoffs in dryland agroforesty: Birds vs dollars. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Land, Water & Environmental Management: Integrated Systems for Sustainability, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10-13 Dec 2007. ACT, Canberra: The modelling and simulation society of Australia and New Zealand Inc..

  • Beger, M., Jones, P. G. and Possingham. H. P. (2006). Models of coral reef fish biodiversity and species habitat association in conservation planning. 10th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), Okinawa, Japan, 28 June- 3 July, 2006. Okinawa, Japan: International Society for Reef Studies, Japanese Coral Reef Society.

  • Garden, J., McAlpine, C., Peterson, A., Jones, D. and Possingham, H. (2006). Review of the ecology of Australian urban fauna: A focus on spatially explicit processes. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9993.2006.01578.x

  • McAlpine, C. A., Callaghan, J., Lunney, D., Bowen, M. E., Rhodes, J. R., Mitchell, D.L. and Possingham, H. (2005). Conserving South-East Queensland Koalas: How much habitat is enough?. SEQ Biodiversity Conference 2004, Gatton, Queensland, 30 June - 2 July, 2004. Gatton: The University of Queensland - Gatton Printery.

  • Beger, M., Wilcox, C. and Possingham, H. P. (2005). Designing marine reserves with modelled species distributions: Bayesian abundance modelling of coral reef fishes. IMPAC 1 2005: First International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Geelong, Australia, 23-27 October 2005.

  • McBride, M., Wilson, K. A. and Possingham, H. (2005). Incorporating Investment Uncertainty into the Prioritisation of Conservation Resource Allocation. MODSIM05, Melbourne, 12-15 December 2005. Australia: Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.

  • Rout, T., Hauser, C. E. and Possingham, H. (2005). Optimal Translocation Strategies for Threatened Species. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODSIM05, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 12-15 December 2005. Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia & NZealand.

  • Bode, M. and Possingham, H. (2005). Optimally Managing Oscillating Predator-Prey Systems. MODSIM05, Melbourne, 12-15 December 2005. Australia: Modelling & Simulation Society of Australia & New Zealand Inc.

  • Beger, M., McKenna, S. A. and Possingham, H. P. (2005). Surrogacy in coral reef biodiversity: a tool in conservation planning. First International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC 1 2005), Geelong, Australia, 23-27 October 2005.

  • Donato, D., Noller, B. N., Moore, M.R., Possingham, H., Ricci, P., Bell, C. and Nichols, O. (2004). Cyanide Use, Wildlife Protection and the International Cyanide Management Code: An Industry Brokered Partnership Approach. Sustainable Development Conference, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 25-29 October 2004. Canberra, A.C.T., Australia: Minerals Council of Australia.

  • Pillans, Suzanne, Johnstone, Ron, Possingham, Hugh, Pillans, Richard, Dews, Geoff and McPhail, Ian (2004). Effectiveness of No-Take Marine Reserves in Subtropical Australia. Fifth International Conference on Science and the Mangement of Protected Areas, Victoria, Canada, 11-16 May, 2003. Wolfville, Nova Scotia: Science & Management of Protected Areas Asso..

  • Stewart, R. R. and Possingham, H. (2003). A framework for systematic marine reserve design in South Australia: A case study. World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas, Cairns, Australia, August 2002. North Beach, WA: ASFB Australia.

  • Possingham, H. (2003). Biodiversity and climate change: Possible impacts, adaptive responses and research. Living with climate change: a national conference on climate, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 18-19 December 2002. Australia: National Academies Forum.

  • Wagner, L. D. and Possingham, H. (2003). Marine reserve design and optimal inter-reserve distance. International Congress of Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Sydney, 7-11 July 1003. Sydney: ICIAM.

  • Possingham, H., Ball, I.R. and Stewart, R. R. (2003). Marine system reserve design: do we know what we are doing?. Marine Biocomplexity: The 2003 Annual Conference of the Australian Marine Sciences Association, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 9 - 11 July 2003. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Marine Sciences Association.

  • Menke, N., Phinn, S., McAlpine, C. A., Pople, A., Grigg, G. and Possingham, H. (2002). Analysing kangaroo population dynamics with 24 years of survey data and AVHRR NDVI images. 11th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Brisbane, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2-6 September 2002. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Causal Productions.

  • Lethbridge, M.R., Possingham, H. and Tyre, D. (2001). A spatially explicit population viability model using GIS. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Tenhumberg, B., Tyre, D. and Possingham, H. (2001). An optimization approach for minimizing extinction risk of endangered species through captive breeding. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Possingham, HP, Andelman, SJ, Noon, BR, Trombulak, S and Pulliam, HR (2001). Making smart conservation decisions. Workshop on Conservation Biology: Research Priorities for the New Decade, Fl, Apr 12-16, 2000. WASHINGTON: ISLAND PRESS.

  • Possingham, H. (2001). Models, problems and algorithms: perceptions about their application to conservation biology?. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Field, S.A., Tyre, D., Ball, S.C. and Possingham, H. (2001). Observer error and statistical power: evaluating survey reliability for conservation management. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Tyre, D., Tenhumberg, B., Niejalke, D. and Possingham, H. (2001). Predicting risk to biodiversity as a function of aquifer pressure in GAB mound springs. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Ball, I.R. and Possingham, H. (2001). The design of marine protecterd areas: Adapting terrestrial techniques. MODSIM2001: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, 10-13 December 2001. Canberra: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.

  • Possingham, HP (1996). Decision theory and management: How to metapopulation. Frontiers of Population Ecology Conference to Celebrate the Centenary of the Birth of the Population Ecologist A J Nicholson (1895-1969), Canberra Australia, Apr, 1995. EAST MELBOURNE: C S I R O.

  • Possingham, HP (1995). The practical application of population viability analysis for conservation planning. Conference on Conserving Biodiversity - Threats and Solutions, Sydney Australia, Jun, 1993. CHIPPING NORTON NSW: SURREY BEATTY & SONS.

  • Possingham, Hugh, Day, Jeremy, Goldfinch, Maureen and Salzborn, Franz (1993). The mathematics of designing a network of protected areas for conservation. 12th National ASOP Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 1993. Adelaide, SA, Australia: ASOR.

  • Possingham, HP, Davies, I, Noble, IR and Norton, TW (1992). A Metapopulation Simulation-Model for Assessing the Likelihood of Plant and Animal Extinctions. 9th Biennial Conf On Modelling and Simulation, Greenmount Australia, Dec 10-12, 1991. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. doi: 10.1016/0378-4754(92)90123-X

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