Experts in Education

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Suraiya Abdul Hameed Dr Suraiya Abdul Hameed School of Education
Emeritus Professor Neal Ashkanasy Emeritus Professor Neal Ashkanasy School of Business
Professor Tom Baldock Professor Tom Baldock School of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor Katelyn Barney Associate Professor Katelyn Barney Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Professor Pierre Benckendorff Professor Pierre Benckendorff Graduate School | School of Business
Dr Noreen Breakey Dr Noreen Breakey School of Business
Associate Professor David Callaghan Associate Professor David Callaghan School of Civil Engineering
Professor Annemaree Carroll Professor Annemaree Carroll Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Eric Chung Professor Eric Chung Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
No image Associate Professor Rowland Cobbold School of Veterinary Science
Dr Emma Crawford Dr Emma Crawford School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Peter Crosthwaite Associate Professor Peter Crosthwaite School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Monica Cuskelly Dr Monica Cuskelly School of Education
Associate Professor Gloria Dall'Alba Associate Professor Gloria Dall'Alba School of Education
Dr Soraia De Camargo Catapan Dr Soraia De Camargo Catapan Centre for Health Services Research
Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards School of Education
Professor Di Eley Professor Di Eley Academy for Medical Education
Professor Rhonda Faragher Professor Rhonda Faragher School of Education
Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald School of Business
Associate Professor Deanne Gannaway Associate Professor Deanne Gannaway Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Professor Robyn Gillies Professor Robyn Gillies School of Education
Honorary Professor Merrilyn Goos Honorary Professor Merrilyn Goos School of Education
Dr Aaron Herndon Dr Aaron Herndon School of Veterinary Science
Dr Wendy Jiang Dr Wendy Jiang School of Languages and Cultures
Professor Lydia Kavanagh Professor Lydia Kavanagh Faculty of Science | Office of the President of the Academic Board
Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Hassan Khosravi Dr Hassan Khosravi Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Dr Dillon Landi Dr Dillon Landi School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Mr Miguel Lattz Mr Miguel Lattz Institute for Social Science Research
Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard School of Education
Associate Professor Jason Lodge Associate Professor Jason Lodge School of Education | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Kristiana Ludlow Dr Kristiana Ludlow Centre for Health Services Research
Professor Kelly Matthews Professor Kelly Matthews Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Dr Treasure McGuire Dr Treasure McGuire School of Pharmacy
Dr Anna Mikhaylova Dr Anna Mikhaylova School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Jodie Miller Associate Professor Jodie Miller School of Education
Honorary Professor Martin Mills Honorary Professor Martin Mills School of Education
Dr Karen Moni Dr Karen Moni School of Education
Dr Claire Moran Dr Claire Moran School of Psychology
Dr Michael Noetel Dr Michael Noetel School of Psychology
Associate Professor Liza O'Moore Associate Professor Liza O'Moore Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology | School of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor Rebecca Olson Associate Professor Rebecca Olson School of Social Science
Professor Nalini Pather Professor Nalini Pather Medical School (Office & AME)
Associate Professor Shiralee Poed Associate Professor Shiralee Poed School of Education
Associate Professor Jenny Povey Associate Professor Jenny Povey Institute for Social Science Research
Dr Oliver Rawashdeh Dr Oliver Rawashdeh School of Biomedical Sciences
Dr Emily Ross Dr Emily Ross School of Education
Associate Professor Steven Rynne Associate Professor Steven Rynne School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Associate Professor Christine Slade Associate Professor Christine Slade Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Associate Professor Michelle Smith Associate Professor Michelle Smith School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Garth Stahl Dr Garth Stahl School of Education
Associate Professor Sally Staton Associate Professor Sally Staton Queensland Brain Institute
Dr Caroline Steel Dr Caroline Steel School of Education
Dr Heather Stewart Dr Heather Stewart School of Business
Dr Michalis Stylianou Dr Michalis Stylianou School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Damon Thomas Dr Damon Thomas School of Education
Professor Karen Thorpe Professor Karen Thorpe Queensland Brain Institute
Associate Professor Stephen Viller Associate Professor Stephen Viller School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Jana Visnovska Dr Jana Visnovska School of Education
Professor Elizabeth Ward Professor Elizabeth Ward School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Kai Wheeler Dr Kai Wheeler School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Ms Stephanie Wyeth Ms Stephanie Wyeth School of Architecture, Design and Planning