Researchers in Biomedical engineering

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Udantha Abeyratne Dr Udantha Abeyratne School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Sasan Ahdi Rezaeieh Dr Sasan Ahdi Rezaeieh School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Mark Allenby Dr Mark Allenby School of Chemical Engineering
Dr Nasim Amiralian Dr Nasim Amiralian Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Dr Shazed Aziz Dr Shazed Aziz School of Chemical Engineering
Dr Shakes Chandra Dr Shakes Chandra School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
No image Honorary Professor Traian Chirila Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Professor Simon Cool Professor Simon Cool School of Chemical Engineering
Emeritus Professor Stuart Crozier Emeritus Professor Stuart Crozier Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Professor Mark Davies Professor Mark Davies Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit
Associate Professor David Highton Associate Professor David Highton Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Dr Zhengni Liu Dr Zhengni Liu Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Dr Mostafa Kamal Masud Dr Mostafa Kamal Masud Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Dr Alejandro Melendez-Calderon Dr Alejandro Melendez-Calderon School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Mohammad Ali Moni Dr Mohammad Ali Moni School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Trung Ngo Dr Trung Ngo RECOVER Injury Research Centre
Dr Antonio Padilha Lanari Bo Dr Antonio Padilha Lanari Bo
Associate Professor Nathan Palpant Associate Professor Nathan Palpant Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Professor Ove Peters Professor Ove Peters School of Dentistry
Dr Abbas Shafiee Dr Abbas Shafiee
Dr Hongfu Sun Dr Hongfu Sun
Dr Jari Torniainen Dr Jari Torniainen School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Owen Ung Professor Owen Ung Medical School (Office & AME)
No image Dr Wilbert Jesus Villena Gonzales School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Yuan Wang Dr Yuan Wang School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Dr Clarissa Whitmire Dr Clarissa Whitmire Queensland Brain Institute | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science