Dr Yuan Wang

Advance QLD Industry Fellow

School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology


Dr Yuan Wang's research interests are in the development and manufacturing of metallic medical devices that can enable novel biomedical therapeutics for addressing current challenging diseases or healthcare tasks. Dr Wang has a strong passion for conducting industry-outcome focussed research. His research mainly focuses on mechanical properties and degradable behaviours of biomedical metals, as well as understanding the underlying mechanisms. During his PhD, he had also conducted extensive research in wearable thermoelectric devices that can be used for personal thermal management. His reseach has been recognised by the university research award.

Dr Wang joined UQ in 2020 firstly as a Research Engineer, then a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and now an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow in the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering. He is using his fellowship to translate his research in medical device manufacturing into practical production benefits for industry end-users, helping Australian medical device manufacturers for more effective participation in global supply chains. Dr Wang is also involved in diverse responsibilities including teaching, supervision, and service.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southern Queensland
  • Bachelor, Northeastern University (东北大学)


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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Journal Article

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

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