Dr Nathan Cook


School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences


I am a motivated and enthusiastic Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Sports Dietitian. I am interested in building sustainable foodservices worldwide, sports nutrition for recreational runners and seperate entrepreneurial ventures. I have a passion for clinical research and quality improvement projects in hospital dietetic services. Currently I want to help build sustainable foodservice systems for public/private entities that consider the future of human and planetary health. I am an ambitious individual who loves networking and who is eager to collaborate, please reach out.

My PhD research has focussed on the measurement and management of food waste in hospital foodservices through aggregate food waste audit activities and diverting food waste from landfill.

Research Interests

  • Food waste in large settings
    Large amounts of food waste occurs in places where foodservices are attached such as hospitals, agedcare, hospitality, sports and music events. Reducing food waste in line with Sustainable Development Goal 12 (halving food waste globally) and diverting it from landfill is the core goal of my research.

Research Impacts

- Cited in the Nutrition and quality food standards for health services in Victoria

- Top 10 cited article in 'Nutrition and Dietetics' and the 'Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics'


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Journal Article